Here i go again on my orange box having my two penneth i dont know how the majority feel about this, so i'm just basing this on my own thoughts and reactions to what i posted on facebook and twitter.
Ok its like this..the youth today are becoming public enemy number one at present and in some cases rightly i'm not saying every kid in the uk is a total twat..but what i am saying is there are pockets in every community that will treat their surrounds with nothing but contempt and just never listen to reason.
I suggest all school leavers at 16 should be sent to the armed forces for full basic training, then on completion assigned a unit and educated with the help of universities and industry so that upon completion of 5 years service, they are armed with all the tools needed to gain employment and as young adults now, be able to contribute to society instead of breaking it.
I know certain families wont like this idea of their little charlie or caroline going away from home instead of 6th form then university..but hey for one they will become adults with morals, manners and respect as well as trained in the career of their i know it may take say 7 years to become a doctor for instance, but at least with this one exception, they will be close to the top of the ladder and ready for placement in our hospitals or staying within the armed forces.
Just think of the society in say 20 years from now with highly skilled well turned out young adults..the streets would be free of their antics..the pubs and clubs would be free from their antics, and we would be a more confidant nation as a whole, knowing the streets are a lot safer and that our youth are being taken care of by skilled people moulding them into the next generation of workers for the uk.
Also think of this, a lot of illegal immigrants would be forced to make a decision whether to fit in and abide by our rules and regs, or go back to their country of origin and take their kids with them or stay here, become british citizens and play the game.
It only takes politicians to adopt this idea and run with it opening purse strings and getting the backing of the majority to take this on board and use it to rebuild our broken society.
I honestly and truthfully cant see why this wont work..maybe you who is reading it can..i'm open to any suggestions and will make our local mp aware of this blog and how strongly i feel about society being rebuilt with good positive standards..WORTH A TRY SURELY..!!!
im having a hard time staying online with my internet,,so this is the third time i wrote this comment..that would never go far in the USA..parents think their kids are sweet and friendly and smart and would never do anything wrong,,and they would scream "Civil Rights" ...back when my mom was growing up..if kids got in trouble..they were given a choice...jail or join the in between..i hope you can get the MP to listen cause its sound advice..but Camerons not too smart..youve got the right idea..maybe you should be the MP...